Thursday, January 22, 2015

Background of Juliette Sri


Sri is many things -- In the top 10% of Betazoid telepaths, 2nd Scion of the 433 House of Betazed, an expert in the psionic sciences and an ambitious Star fleet Officer. As much as she tries to keep her life as a Betazoid and her life as a Starfleet officer separate, sometimes these worlds interfere with each other, and other times collide with spectacular results. She followed the ups and downs of Betazoid society ravenously until the death of her sister, which disgusted her when she couldn't understand why the news improved the status of her family. She has gradually come to terms with this, and uses her successes to boost the standing of her own house, but refuses to take on the duties of the 2nd Scion of House Sri. Her family life is complicated -- with her eldest sister stepping into the role of Matron of House Sri, her older brother constantly in trouble with the law, and a younger brother following in her flootsteps toward Starfleet -- something that troubles her deeply because in her darker moments, she feels its her fate to die in space like her sister.

Sri is a brutally scrupulous telepath, and knows that many beings cannot help but shout their thoughts in their heads. Secrets she hears stay secret, and she never prys. Because of her condition with Evans, she can get overwhelmed by sheer volume of thoughts, but she spent 4 years on vulcan learning to control. Her defense is very strong, and very little gets into her mind when she is strong and well-rested. She is also very observant, sensing the presence of others fairly easily. She has been known to use her background in psychology -- part of the psionic sciences -- to convince normally resistant species she is psychic -- Ferengi Bartenders being er favorite target. Psionically, her attacks are normal for a strong-willed Betazoid andh er fighting style is to let her opponent wear themselves out on her shields, and then punch them. Sri does have a minor telekinetic attack -- on the order of 20-30 microgellars. This almost always results in her getting a nosebleed and being dizzy for a period of time.

As an officer, she is friendly and outgoing, and like most Betazoids has a flair for the diplomatic. Her skills in the psionic sciences make her perfectly serviceable as a medical technician and she knows her way to working most models of EMH -- dealing with their various personalities.. She's always happy to explain (and get help on!) her latest project. At the same time, her graduating class was decimated by the Undine attack. She hates the Undine with a passion, and also is very concerned about Star ship and star base safety protocols. She can be a stickler for the rules when it comes to safety and security.

Sri carries a tremendous obligation -- as part of her presentation to the Daystrom Institute, she earned the trust of a species called the Tevi. They are a mistrustful species, and lost in the Alpha Quandrant in ship that is surprisingly low-tech (still using spin gravity) but has an unusual hyperdrive. She has been trying to find a base for them to repair, refuel and perhaps find their bearings to get home. Her first thought was K-7, but the political situation in the sector has deteriorated to the point she doesn't trust that the defenseless ship could be adequately protected. She spends much of her free time trying to find their home, or find ways to improve the poor diplomacy between Star fleet and the Tevi.


Lars Sri (paternal); Betazoid; Betazed; Mathematical Sociologist
Sedna Sri (maternal); Betazoid; Betazed; deceased
Kanara (oldest Sister); Betazoid; Betazed; Matron of House Sri (Current Rank 433rd)
Kent (oldest Brother); Betazoid; Delta Quadrant; Merchant -- Failed Academy in year 3
Lara (older sister); Betazoid; Betazed; Starfleet Lt; USS Tarns Nebula; deceased
Ramel (younger brother); Betazoid; Betazed; Student


2408 - Joined Academy
2412- Completed coursework in 2409, transfers for field work to Starbase Praetorian
2412 - Serves as Medical Technician on Alpha site after destruction of Praetorian
2412 - Serves as psionic combat specialist to free crewmen from Undine 'reprogramming'
2412 - Graduated 2 months early; promoted to Ensign
2413 - Services on First Contact Team on the Beta Moon of Hokken III, validating sentience of a local plant life
2413 - Promoted to Lietenant, Junior Grade
2413 - Presents at Daystom Scientific Conference on Mars
2413 - Part of Diplomatic team establishing diplomatic relations with the Tevi -- Injured in the line of duty
2413 - Requested Transfer to USS Tyee; Science Officer

2414 - Transferred to Alpha Centauri Institute -- USS Bath, Chief Science Officer -- Promoted to Lt. Commander.
2414 - Transferred to USS Oppenheimer -- Chief Science Officer, Chief of Operations, Third Officer