Wednesday, February 12, 2020

All Tomorrow's Parties

I was a fan of the Champions pen and paper RPG.  It was that fandom that drew me to Champions Online.  Over time, those two universes have diverged. The pen and paper universe is much larger than Champion Online, and partially for stylistic reasons.

Also, one sourcebook, Galactic Champions, is very specific about the end of the Champions Universe -- at least as we know it. In 2020, a dimensional conqueror called Tyrannon  threatens to absorb Earth's dimension, but is fended off by the archmage Witchcraft at the cost of the special 'mojo' that makes supers well, super. This paves the way for Cyber Hero and eventually Space Hero.  The mojo returns with Galactic Champions when Istava V'han invades in the year 3000 .

And yet, Champions Online is still here. Champions PnP and Online provide a very simple explanation: Separate dimensions!. But what's the fun in that?

So begins a story: All Tomorrow's Parties, which  tries to chronicle the events from the Winter Celebration of 2019 to the (potential) final battle between Tyrannon and the CO Dimension.
This is definitely a work in progress, though one I hope to complete.

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